Life Insurance-Mistakes to be aware of…

Most of us know the basic of life insurance, you pay a yearly/monthly premium amount and the insurance company pays your nominated beneficiary or estate a lump sum amount should you die.

Over the years life insurance has grown considerably.  Many different providers have come into the market meaning life insurance is no longer as simple as paying your premium.

Direct life insurance: Life insurance sold directly without underwriting, often advertised on television and radio may cost double compared to equipment cover that is fully underwritten.  Most comparison websites can quote many different insurance companies.

Another downside to getting direct insurance is the lack of advice offered.  Sometimes taking out life cover is not as simple as picking an amount.  All our advisers offer advice at the time of taking out a policy as well as helping with making a claim.

Call us on 1800 737 926 to find out what’s best for you.

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