All life insurance premiums can be either paid monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annually. The majority of people pay for their life insurance by direct debit or credit card on a monthly or yearly basis, although some people choose to pay by cheque or BPAY.
Life insurance premiums are either stepped or level. If you have a long term need which is generally more than 15 years, you would be best advised to take out a level premium contract where the premium over the long term is averaged out and you pay a consistent premium level.
If you only require cover for a short time frame of less than 10 years you should take advantage of the initial premium savings found with stepped premiums. It is also advisable to consider super cover vs. stand alone, and decide which is best for you.
Income Protection, trauma insurance and tpd insurance all fall under the one banner of life insurance although all serve a specific purpose.
Call us on 1800 737 926 or fill in a contact form to find out more about how we can help you with your life insurance needs.