The best way to understand life insurance, and how important it is, is to imagine what would happen to your family and their finances in the event that you or your partner were to die unexpectedly or become disabled and unable to work.
Think about all of the financial commitments you have in your life. Like many of our clients, there a probably a few large expenses that spring to your mind! Mortgage repayments, car or personal loan repayments, credit card debts. And then there are your dependents. You might have your children’s care and education costs to consider or your parent’s aged-care living expenses. And on top of that, you probably have a few long-term financial goals, like a retirement fund you and your partner are saving towards.
If you were suddenly out of the picture what would happen to all of these financial commitments and goals?
Who would be able to pay all of your debts?
What would your family have to sacrifice?
Although it’s not a scenario that many of us like to think about (and for good reason) being adequately prepared for the worst can save your family from years of financial hardship in the long run. That’s why life insurance is something that everyone should think seriously about.
This article is designed to explain everything you need to know about life insurance.
Specifically, we’ll discuss:
The different types of life insurance available
How to work out how much cover you need
What to consider when applying for life insurance and
How life insurance premiums work
Life insurance is an umbrella term that’s used to describe a range of products that can provide financial support and cover for your family in the instance of your death, disability, serious illness or injury. The amount of cover and the nature of this financial assistance can vary greatly depending on the type and level of insurance cover you have.
Many people take out life insurance to provide security for large expenses such as their mortgage repayments, but life insurance can also be used to protect your family’s quality of life by covering smaller, ongoing expenses such as bills, general living costs and even costs associated with your death that your family may incur, such as the cost of the funeral.
Life insurance can also be used to ensure that your family will continue to receive adequate income in the event that you are seriously injured or ill and are unable to continue to work.
There are several different types of life insurance available, and it’s important to understand what each offers. Often these different products are packaged together, so you should always check what is included in your life insurance when applying.
Working out how much life insurance cover you need is a complicated task, and it requires a lot of research, and personal consideration to determine the best options for your circumstances.
As a very simple equation, you need to try to answer the following two questions:
How much money would my family have access to if I were out of the picture?
How much money would they need?
The gap between these two amounts is a good approximation of how much life insurance cover you would ideally need. But you also need to think about what you can afford.
Working out the answers to both of these questions is not easy, though, and you need to consider many other factors to have an accurate idea of your financial position.
How much money do I currently have in savings? (Include superannuation, shares and any investments).
How much cash would my family need to continue living at the same quality of life? (think about mortgage repayments, childcare costs, your other bills)
How much income would continue to come into my family without my contribution?
What additional expenses could arise as a result of my death or disability? (Think about funeral costs or the prospect of ongoing medical bills and palliative care.)
Would other family members be able to help support your family financially?
Do you have paid leave entitlements at work that would be paid out on your death?
What other forms of financial support might be available to you or your family? Remember that you may be entitled to worker’s compensation or government payments if you become disabled or seriously injured. Accidental death insurance, which is a life insurance product may also be paid to your family if you die in an accident.Many insurance providers offer insurance cover calculators to help you work out how much cover you need. Or you can always discuss you options with one of our consultants who will talk you through the whole process.
Once you’ve decided on the type and level of life insurance you would like, you can apply for a product that meets your needs.
Applying for life insurance cover is a simple and straightforward process. However, it’s important to know that when applying for any life insurance product, you will need to provide the insurance provider with some personal information on your health and lifestyle. If you have a serious, or terminal pre-existing medical condition, you may not be able to apply for life insurance. Some insurance companies will need you to undertake a medical examination before you take out a policy.
For any life insurance product, you’ll be paying premiums. Most insurance providers will allow you to pay your premiums monthly or annually so talk to one of our consultants to find out what will work best for you and your budget.
Usually, life insurance premiums will become more expensive the older you get. This is a matter of statistics, as insurance companies expect elderly people to be more likely to make a claim on their life insurance than young people.
Because of this, when applying for life insurance, you’ll often be given the choice of stepped or level premiums, so what is the difference?
It’s easy to see why for many clients, life insurance is one of the most important aspects of financial planning. No one wants to imagine a situation where their family is left in debt or financial hardship. Life insurance offers peace of mind that if the worst were to happen, your family would not have to worry about money or their financial future. With the appropriate life insurance cover, your family will be financially secure no matter what.